Tag Archives: confession

A New Renewal

Image    Sanctus has a new renewal as my Catholic blog. As I have said before in these pages I am a Benedictine Oblate Novice and  like you finding my way towards our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for me as I do the same for each and every one of you. May Our Lord relieve you of all anxiety of mind and Spirit and give you relief from any physical distress you may be undergoing.

New Renewals are nothing new in the church. Our Lord wants us to “put on the new man” so to speak and He frequently spoke of the healing power of forgiveness during his earthly ministry. The most basic way, the express lane if you will, is through the Sacrament of Confession. Through this most wonderful of God’s gifts we are invited to express our sorrow for our faults, our “mea culpa” and to enter once again a into state of Grace. Another dimension to this I think is the expiation for guilt over our sins. Blessed Pope John Paul II once said the guilt was the biggest impediment to the life in the Holy Spirit. I tend to defer to our future saint in matters of faith 🙂

So renewal of my spirit and yours is a true gift of the Holy Spirit. Please consider going to your local church and bringing His Grace back into your life. I would be remiss if I didn’t add that after a good and thorough confession we should all become full participants in the Holy Eucharist. God is knocking softly and hopes you become full Sacramental members of His Church.

Thank you for reading my humble thoughts as I re-launch Sanctus. May Our Lord bless you with an abundance of His Love , which surpasses all our understanding. + Pax Vobiscum

jeffrey Warren oblSB novice